Cookie Policy

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text-files that websites place on your computer or mobile phone. They are the internet kind, not chocolate chip and you can’t eat them.

What are they for?

There are many reasons for websites to use cookies, for example:

  • Making websites work how you would expect;

  • To improve the efficiency of a website;

  • For improving the user experience on a website;

  • And also, to provide analytics on usage.

The cookies we use only contain anonymous information. And, we store no personal details!

Do you have to accept them?

Your web browser can choose whether to accept cookies. Most web browsers such as, Google Chrome or Safari accept them. For information on cookies and disabling them please go to You’ll also find details on how to delete cookies from your computer. In the event that you are using a mobile device, please check your manual.

Parts of this website may not work as a result of disabled cookies.

The length of time a cookie stays on your device depends on the type. With this in mind, we use the following cookies:

  • Essential cookies: to enable the operation of our website. Including use of online forms and galleries.

  • Session cookies: to recognise users within our website. These cookies are temporary and only stay active until you close your browser.

  • Analytic cookies: to allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors to the website. They also, allow us to see how visitors travel through our website. This helps us to improve the way our website works for users. In addition, it helps us to put content in easy to reach places.

By continuing to use this site, you accept use of these cookies.